Week 2 : Math + Art
I like mathematics as a student with a major in Electrical and computer engineering. Mathematics not only plays an important role in improving the quality of our lives, but it can have only one answer, unlike literature that can have various answers. Through the lecture 2, I could realize that mathematics has a great impact on art. For example, the artists such as Brunelleschi saw the mathematical beauty in nature. In addition, when the people draw a picture or take a picture, they need the vanishing point, which requires some mathematical calculations (marc Frantz).
As Lang who appeared on TED explained that mathematics and art are closely related through origami, I realized that mathematics and art interact with each another, just like looking for mathematical beauty in artistic works or artistic beauty in mathematics. I look forward to the continued emergence of new art in which mathematics and art are harmoniously combined.
I enjoyed how you first write that mathematics has a great role in improving the qualities of our lives. One would naturally first think of the technological advancements such as computer engineering and the effects it has on our lives. However, mathematics also plays a role in improving our lives through through the pleasure and luxury we have in enjoying art. Mathematical contributions such as the vanishing point have allowed us to appreciate art that is incredibly realistic.